
Recent project experience

These are some of the projects worked on directly since 2018 related to business planning and data analytics. Some companies are not named due to confidentiality.

Recent Business Plan Work

Established agricultural company (2022-present). Created plans and a successful application for new government approved forestry operation.

Industrial start-up (2021-2023). Created business plan and financial model to attract investors and optimize future operations. Green technology manufacturing.

Ethelo Decisions Inc
(2014-2023). Created business plans for funding and market growth. Social enterprise and SaaS.

YMCA Greater Vancouver
(2018-2021). Worked with over 100 entrepreneurs to create business plans and financial models for micro and small enterprises.

Recent Business Data Work

Established investment company (2022-present).  Prepared financial data for reporting and analysis.

Ethelo Decisions Inc. Created dashboards for sales and revenue analytics and cryptocurrency performance modeling. Created automated business intelligence tools for advanced analytics and reporting. Prepared company records for audit.

YMCA Greater Vancouver Built dashboards and onboarding systems for client intake and outcomes reporting.

Some of these projects involved working directly with other institutions including the Government of Canada, several municipalities and large corporations. Reach out to find out more!

Earlier Project Work

Dan has worked with a range of companies including several European and Asian retail and central banks, General Electric Company of the UK, several telecoms companies, First Nation Governments and BC for-profit companies.

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