HM consulting creates plans for small to mid-sized businesses to help business owners increase the chances of success.
Each plan we create is focused on the needs and priorities of the owner.
Whether you are planning a new business or want to move your business to the next stage, our collaboration will create your plan to move things forward.
Business plans should do the following essential things:
There are many types of business plan. What sets the best ones apart are:
The plan describes the business and the environment it operates in, with the needs of the reader fuller considered
Readers expect professionalism and don't want to read pages before they understand what the plan is about. Therefore:
Each section is clearly referenced and consistent with other parts of the plan. Nothing new is introduced in the summary.
Increase credibility by using the latest data and stating assumptions and unknowns. These can be referenced in the main sections and detailed in an appendix if necessary.
The owner must feel the plan is theirs, useful on a regular basis and can be easily updated as progress is made.
This is the wow factor - inspiring the reader to take positive action based on what they decided to read.
Business plans should do the following essential things:
There are many types of business plan. What sets the best ones apart are:
Is a business model canvas a great alternative to a business plan? No, but it definitely helps to complement one and is an incredible thinking and communication tool. We use the canvas in our Plan-in-a-week and Plan-in-a-month offerings.
There are few other tools that can describe the essence of a business on one page. The main distinction between an business plan and a canvas is that the canvas describes the business one moment in time, whereas the plan describes the journey to make the business model work.
Depending on the stage of planning for your business, you will need different levels of help.
To create a plan for you, we have three distinct offerings for your business plan needs.
Plan-in-a-day is for early stage validation of a business idea. We'll chat and learn more about you, your business idea and your needs. Using our experience and resources, we'll create a short report with relevant data that will help you decide if the idea suits your needs.
Plan-in-a-week is for generating a viable business plan. Following discovery, we'll research your market in detail and present a clear model of the risks and rewards together with a clear action plan for success.
Plan-in-a-month is for building a detailed plan and getting started on the process of launch or expansion. It will provide a level of detail expected by more experienced investors as well as hands-on support for the owner.
Find out how easy it is to get started with your business plan.
If you prefer, we can help you choose which plan will work best for you.
For owners evaluating an early idea
Get evidence quickly
Save time and resources
Decide whether to proceed
Main features
For owners needing a business plan
Understand the market requirements
Determine investment needed
Create action plan for implementation
Main features
For owners needing full support
Fully understand the opportunity
Understand business model options
Start working the plan
Main features